Through the Bible in A Year

A daily Bible study that will guide you through every verse of the Bible over the course of one year.

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Location: Cheyenne, Wyoming, United States

From home to work and back to home describes my life which is great because I love my family and my work.

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

1Samuel 4-8

An Overview of Chapter 4
The nation of Israel attacked the Philistines who were in the land and were defeated. The elders of Israel had this bright idea that if they took the ark of the covenant into war as a good luck charm they would win for sure. It turns out they had the perfect guys for the job in Hophni and Phinehas, Eli’s wicked sons. Seeing the ark got all the Israelites excited and caused the Philistines to freak out, but in the end the Philistines still won the victory, captured the ark, and killed Phinehas and Hophni as Samuel had prophesied. When Eli heard that the ark was captured he fell backwards and his considerable weight caused him to break his neck when he landed - killing him. Phinehas’s wife was pregnant and when she heard the news it pushed her into labor. She died during the labor, but her child was born.

An Overview of Chapter 5
The Philistines put the ark in a temple with their god Dagon, but when they came in the next morning they found their wooden god bowing down to the ark. They put it back, and the next day they found their god bowed down with its head and hands cut off.

The Lord was not happy that the Philistines had captured the ark so he caused tumors to be on the men of the town that the ark was stored. Each time the Philistines moved the ark the tumors would fall on the city that had it. Many people died and the rest lived in agony with tumors.

An Overview of Chapter 6
After seven months the Philistines decided it was time to give the ark back to the Israelites. To insure that the ark was the cause of their problems they hitched it to so cows and decided if God wanted it returned to Israel then that is where the cows would go. In addition they filled the ark with golden tumors and mice as an offering.

Of course God wanted His ark back so the cows went to the Israelites in the city of Beth-shemite. When the people their saw it they rejoiced and took the cart and used it to burn the cows as a sacrifice to God. Of course they still had no clue that the ark was holy to God so some of them (50,070) took a peek inside and God killed them. After that the people were afraid so they sent it to the town of Kiriath-jearim.

An Overview of Chapter 7
The ark remained at Kiriath-jearim for 20 years and a man named Eleazar was consecrated to care for the ark.

Samuel spoke to the Israelites telling them to repent and return to the Lord by removing all their idols and false gods, and serving the true God with their hearts. The people gathered together and fasted and confessed their sin to God and Samuel offered a burnt offering. When the Philistines saw all the Israelites gathered together they assumed it was for war so they came out and fought them and Israel defeated them and took back the cities that they had previously lost.

Samuel served as the judge of Israel at this time, and once a year took a trip to three cities to judge the people their.

An Overview of Chapter 8
Samuel grew old and appointed his sons as judges, but they were dishonest judges who took bribes and perverted justice. Because of this the elders of Israel demanded a king to replace the judges. This was a slap in the face to God who was their king. Samuel prayed about this and God told him that the people could have a king, but that Samuel was to warn them that their king would take their sons, daughters and a portion of their produce for himself and make the people his slaves. When that happens the Lord will not answer their cry for help because it is what they asked for. Even with this warning the people desired a king.

Do you have good luck charms or routines? Do you believe in luck? Does God believe in luck? Do you use what God has set aside as holy (like your body, time, finances) for unholy uses? When was the last time you cleaned house of ungodly things? When was the last time you fasted, repented and cried out to God with your whole heart? Do you ever ask God to give you things you know are not within His will?

For Further Study
Ark - Exodus 25:10-22, Exodus 40:1-3, Leviticus 16:2, Numbers 3:29-31, Numbers 10:35-36, Deuteronomy 10:2, Jeremiah 3:16, Hebrews 9:3-5, Revelation 11:19


Blogger Michael Byrd said...

Pastor, what things do we look for that are bad? Is that a matter of interpretation; what good things should I fill my life with?

11:43 PM  
Blogger Shaun Sells said...

Rather than a specific list of good things scripture gives us categories in Philipians 4:8-9

"Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good repute, if there is any excellence and if anything worthy of praise, dwell on these things. The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you."

However scripture does give us some specifics about what is bad I would read through Ephesians 4:22-23, and Colossians 3:5-17. They list things to put aside and things to put on. Also Titus 2:11-14 is useful.

11:23 AM  
Blogger Michael Byrd said...

Thanks a lot! Also thanks for the scripture link as a heading!

11:15 PM  

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